Indonesia Unseen


Myself and a small crew traveled for 3 weeks around 7 different islands in Indonesia to display the very best of what this consumer drone could do. We made a cinematic piece that feels like a full scale production using consumer technology without any 3rd party cameras or accessories. The piece was conceptualized, shot, and edited with a very small team, showing the scale and quality we can accomplish. The film tells a beautiful story about the culture of Indonesia, displaying the distinct cultures represented in the 7 regions we visited. Typically drones do not capture culture and human connection — usually honing in on a landscape — but we wanted to flip that on its head.

  • approx. 2.5M views on social media
  • 300K on Youtube
"It's SURREAL! Thank you so much Nathan for capturing Indonesia in a beautifully way!" - @wonderfulindonesia

My role:

Director | cinematographer | editor




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